Live Loving Kindness Evening Meditation
It’s DAY 5 - Monday 4 November! WELCOME to my 30 day Meditation Challenge where I will sit twice daily at 05.30-06.30 am and 7.00-8.00 pm EST each day. Today we will bless ourselves with loving kindness energy of WORD - SOUND - POWER: 🙏🏾May I be healthy 🙏🏾May I be safe 🙏🏾May I be joyful 🙏🏾May I be creative 🙏🏾May I be Love 🙏🏾May I be whole MEDITATE WITH ME LIVE - beginners aim for 10 minutes but the choice is yours: 💪🏽2 minutes 🫶🏽5 minutes 🌹10 minutes 🙏🏾20 minutes 🥳30 minutes JOIN ME where we dedicate time to the important and powerful practice of meditation. This is the daily REST-RESPITE- RETREAT-RESET that you need!💪🏽🫶🏽 FORMAT 1. Ensure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed 2. Set your intention for your meditation 3. Set your timer on your phone 5,10,15,20 minutes etc 4. Comment in the chat on joining 5. Sit comfortably 6. Focus on your breath 7. Enjoy! HERE ARE THE BENEFITS THAT ARE SCIENTIFICALLY PROVED AND WHICH I EXPERIENCE IN MY 40 YEARS OF A REGULAR MEDITATION PRACTICE ✅helps reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone ✅boosts mental clarity and focus, enhancing cognitive performance and memory ✅improves emotional health by increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine, linked to happiness and well-being ✅lowers blood pressure ✅boosts immune function, reducing risks associated with chronic diseases. ✅Additionally, meditation has been shown to increase grey matter in areas of the brain related to learning, memory, and empathy, promoting overall mental resilience and emotional intelligence, which together support a more balanced, healthy life. Hetepu - Shalom- Namaste - 1Love 💚 #MeditationCoach #HealthRetreatsJamaica #WellnessCoach #MidlifeWoman #MidlifeWellness #MidlifeVibes #MidlifeHealth #MidlifeTransformation #DivineFeminine #EmotionalEatingTips #EmotionalEatingDetox #WiseWoman #Wisdom #BlackWomensHealth #JamaicanWoman #FITOver50 ↗️Follow and share for more expert tips, inspiration a unique take on how to live healthy in the digital age. 👨🏽💻MY WEBSITE: https://www.holihealthhack.com/ Read My Blog, Book Retreats etc. 📆 BOOK MY SERVICES HERE: To Book 1:1 Coaching, Consultation, Speaking Engagements https://bit.ly/HHHGetStarted 👀WATCH the EMOTIONAL EATING DETOX promo video here • EMOTIONAL EATING DETOX - GUIDED MED... Meet me at my socials https://www.instagram/holihealthhack 🌟See a full list of resources here www.linktree/holihealthhack 👉DISCOVER exactly what emotions may be triggering your emotional eating with my FREE WORKBOOK https://bit.ly/A-ZEmotions 👉DOWNLOAD - EMOTIONAL EATING DETOX HERE https://bit.ly/EEDetox24 🤔LEGAL MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information provided through HoliHealthHack & Supreme Health Channel is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or in the videos or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional.