GTA V ONLINE | Control Tower and Power Station Location in Cayo Perico Heist | Point of Interest

GTA V ONLINE | Control Tower and Power Station Location in Cayo Perico Heist | Point of Interest

There are three parts to the Cayo Perico Heist: intel gathering, prep, and the heist finale. This guide covers the first part - intel-gathering/scope out locations. ⏱TIMESTAMP⏱ 1:05 Control Tower 2:01 Power Station The beautiful Cayo Perico is a secure private island located in the Caribbean, off Colombia. Although the island looks fun and suitable for leisure, it is run by a notorious drug lord named Juan Strickler, who also goes by the name "El Rubio." And, of course, using a private island for drug manufacturing tends to mean there will be many "valuables" around, just waiting to be grabbed if you're willing to take the risk. The Cayo Perico heist has three main parts: Intel, Prep, and the Finale. This guide will focus on the Intel part of the heist. In Intel, you must gather information around the Cayo Perico island by scoping it out and sending pictures to Pavel, your submarine keeper. A number of scope-out points are automatically done for you as part of the introduction when you first land. The rest of them are optional. To successfully scope out a location or piece of equipment, you must take a picture of that location or equipment using your phone and send it to Pavel. There are five categories of Intel that you can scope out: **Secondary Targets: These are targets other than the main Madrazo File, and finding each secondary target increases your max potential payout. Secondary targets include cash, weed, gold, and paintings. **Infiltration Points: There are eight infiltration points that determine how you enter the island during the heist. Having more infiltration points scoped out allows for more approach options. **Escape Points: These are the locations that will be used to escape the island after getting the primary target. There are four escape points. **Compound Entry Points: Six compound entry points allow you to enter El Rubio's compound during the heist. You can choose whichever entry point you prefer. **Points of Interest: There are six points of interest on the island, two of which have a fixed location every time you start a new heist and won't need any further scoping. However, the rest of the items have a random spawn order but fixed locations. We have covered all the possible points of interest locations below. Points of Interest allow you to add variety to your heist by giving you more options to approach it. Note that there are six points of interest in total, but each of them might need to be grabbed multiple times to count as a finally completed point of interest. For instance, there are four bolt cutters scattered around the map spawned randomly. You must collect all four to count it as a "single" point of interest. You can access the full guide Cayo Perico heist here: How to launch CAYO PERICO Heist? =    • GTA V ONLINE | How to launch CAYO PER...   All Secondary Target - CCTV Location in Cayo Perico =    • GTA V ONLINE | All Secondary Target -...   All Secondary Target - Island Location in Cayo Perico =    • GTA V ONLINE | All Secondary Target -...   Cutting Powder and Water Tank Location in Cayo Perico Heist =    • GTA V ONLINE | Cutting Powder and Wat...   All Supply Truck Location in Cayo Perico Heist =    • GTA V ONLINE | All Supply Truck Locat...   All Grappling Hooks Location in Cayo Perico Heist =    • GTA V ONLINE | All Grappling Hooks Lo...   All Bolt Cutters Location in Cayo Perico Heist =    • GTA V ONLINE | All Bolt Cutters Locat...   All Clothing Location in Cayo Perico Heist =    • GTA V ONLINE | All Clothing Location ...   How to earn $100,000 in less than 20 MINUTES? GTAV Online (2021)    • GTAV Online Easy Money (2021) | How t...   #GTAVONLINE #LOSSANTOS #RockstarGames #Rockstar #FreeRoam #ClutchStreamers #NatChanGaming #pcgamer #AsusROG #ControlTowerLocation #PowerStationLocation #ControlTower #PowerStation #CayoPericoHeist Music used: Five Armies by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: