Grace Toronto Church - (February 27, 2022 Service)
Welcome to the Grace Toronto Church Sunday service livestream on FEBRUARY 27. Join us here or visit https://gracetoronto.ca/livestream​. ONLINE BULLETIN: https://www.gracetoronto.ca/bulletin Sermon Title - Generous Jesus, Generous Church Sermon Series - 2 Corinthians: Power Through Weakness Scripture Passage - 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15 Timestamp - 31:42 Links & Announcements Below🔻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW DADS’ BREAKFAST Grace Toronto is hosting a New Dads’ Breakfast on Saturday, MARCH 5 at 10am online. We invite any men who are expecting a child, or first time dads who recently welcomed a baby. This is a great opportunity to meet other men, enjoy a hearty meal, and be encouraged in your calling! Breakfast is on us. We will be hearing from Hang Kit Wong, an elder and a father himself. Register here: https://forms.gle/PVdABzJL1CWkwQvx5 BEING A GOOD NEIGHBOUR: SUPPORTING NEW PARENTS WHO ARE ALONE Grace Centre for Mercy and Justice and the GTC Mom's Grace Gathering is offering a morning of training with Linda Baartse from the Pregnancy Care Centre to learn about being a Good Neighbour to new parents who feel alone in our community. Saturday, FEBRUARY 26 10:30-12pm via zoom. Linda Baartse will speak about best practices in supporting new parents who are alone in the community, followed by Q&A. Anyone is welcome to join! :) Register at shorturl.at/zNP35 GTKIDS IN-PERSON UPDATE GT Kids will be reopening as of FEBRUARY 27! We will be running classes for kids aged 1 year to Grade 5. Sign up on Sunday morning with our welcome desk volunteers downstairs. We can't wait to have you all back! WOMEN'S CHOIR Calling all women interested in singing in a small women's choir for Easter. No prior experience required! Please email [email protected] this week for more information. GTKIDS RESOURCES Want to engage your kids? GTKids regularly compiles a range of resources for children, aged Nursery - Grade 5. We provide worship guides, family devotionals, story-time, and live opportunities to connect with our volunteers for lessons and games! Please do take advantage of these resources! https://www.gracetoronto.ca/kids-reso... SUPPORT If you are in any form of need or if you are able to help others, please visit https://www.gracetoronto.ca/help or visit https://www.gracetoronto.ca/prayer to submit your prayers.