High Protein Veg Sandwich | Weight Loss Recipes In Hindi | Soya Chunks Dinner Sandwich | Sandwiches

High Protein Veg Sandwich | Weight Loss Recipes In Hindi | Soya Chunks Dinner Sandwich | Sandwiches

Weight Loss Sandwich Recipe: Protein-Packed & Guilt-Free! 🥪 Looking for a healthy sandwich that satisfies your cravings without derailing your fitness goals? Try this delicious weight loss sandwich packed with protein and nutrients! Ingredients: 2 slices Whole Wheat Bread 🍞 25g Boiled Rajma (Kidney Beans) 🫘 1/4 cup Boiled Soya Chunks 🌱 1/4 tsp Olive Oil 🫒 1 tbsp Chopped Onion 🧅 Salt to taste 🧂 Fresh Coriander Leaves 🌿 1 Green Chilli 🌶️ Peri Peri Masala for spice 🌶️ Hung Curd Spread 🧑‍🍳 Total Nutritional Information for One Sandwich- Calories: ~276 Carbs: 39g Protein: 21g Fat: 6g Fiber: 8.2g Mayo Spreads- 1-    • Weight loss Mayonnaise | High Protein...   2-    • Weight loss Mayonnaise | High Protein...   This sandwich is perfect for those on a weight loss journey—high in protein, low in fat, and full of fiber to keep you full for longer. 💪 Enjoy the creamy hung curd spread with a spicy peri peri kick and the goodness of rajma and soya chunks! A meal that’s both satisfying and nutritious. Give it a try and let me know how you like it! 🌿🥪 Pro tip: You can also add more veggies or tweak the seasoning to your liking. Enjoy! 😊 NO REPOST ALLOWED! #WeightLossRecipes #HealthySandwich #ProteinPacked #LowCalorieMeals #CleanEating #SoyaChunks #RajmaRecipe #WholeWheat #HealthyEating #WeightLossJourney #NutrientDense #FitnessFood #HealthyLifestyle #LowFatMeals #SatisfyCravings Sandwich recipe, high or diet, easy recipes, weight loss recipe, dinner recipes, Instagram, engagement, growth, recipe ideas , healthy recipes Check out this list Products which I use & recommend. from learnlively https://www.amazon.in/shop/learnlivel... The content is offered on an informational basis only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified health provider before making any adjustment to a medication or treatment you are currently using, and/or starting any new medication or treatment. All recommendations are “generally informational” and not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problems, concerns and/or needs. All the content published on this channel is our own creative work and is protected under copyright law. ©Learn Lively ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Hope you like watching this video ! Let me know in comments and share with your friends and family and don't forget to hit the LIKE👍 button😍 LET'S CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA 👥 :- ❤❤❤Gmail- [email protected] ❤❤❤Instagram-   / learnlively   ❤❤❤Twitter-   / learnlively   ❤❤❤Facebook-   / learnlively.in   ❤❤❤Youtube-    / learnlively   For more such videos please SUBSCRIBE⚀ to my channel and also press the BELL ICON🔔 next to it, so that you are the first one to received my new video uploads.🙂 Thanks🙏