Birth Ball Exercises to Induce Labor Naturally (Step-By-Step)
How to induce labor using a birth ball includes 4 exercises that I recommend. Labor induction isn't guarenteed, but if you want to try these no risk exercises with the birth ball this is a step by step routine. Four exercises on the birth ball can be used to help the baby's head engage in your pelvis. 00:00 Intro 00:54 About baby's head engaging in pelvis 01:28 Proper ball position 01:58 Hip Circles on the Birth Ball 02:56 Side to side lunge on the Birth Ball 03:45 Figure 8 on the Birth Ball 05:17 Bouncing on the Birth Ball #childbirth #birth #pregnancy #lamaze #childbirthclass #doula // PREPARE FOR BIRTH WITH ME ✅ o No cameras required for our class! o Watch on demand and fit into your schedule OR join a live 14 day class. o Don’t worry about adjusting your camera, I’m the only one with video on. o Learn about the birth process and build a solid set of tools for labor o http://www.BirthToolBox.com/youtube // CONTACT o [email protected] // SAY HELLO ON SOCIAL o Instagram / birthtoolbox o LinkedIn / alice-turner-67313837 o Facebook / supportingher If you are pregnant and expecting a baby or work with people who are expecting a baby, then you are in the right place. I'm Alice Turner, doula and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and I work with people from pregnancy through the early newborn time. My mission is to help people have a positive birth experience. **note some of these links are affiliate links. If you purchase a product through the link I may receive a small percentage, but there will be no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting his channel and allowing us to keep publishing free educational content