Full Body Strength Training Low Impact Cardio Stretching At Home Christian Exercise Workout Classes

Full Body Strength Training Low Impact Cardio Stretching At Home Christian Exercise Workout Classes

God is good! He is so good! All the time! Let's do everything unto the Lord, especially taking care of our bodies.🙌🏻💪🏻 God helps us with all facets of our life. He has no limitations. And when you step out in faith, God sends you here for encouragement.🥰 This quick video clip is from one of my recent In Person Faith Based Fitness Classes, but join me from wherever you are! All of my workouts are designed for every level of fitness and for all ages. All you have to do is show up, then take everything at your own pace. 👉🏻Available on: *DVDS *Downloads *TV Show *YouTube *Rumble *In person Classes at 325 Carter Rd. in Owensboro. More of this workout also available here:    • Christian Fitness Workout Classes for...   ___________________________________ ** SHOP SALE ** *** For EVERY $10 you spend, get a FREE Workout DOWNLOAD OR Music DOWNLOAD! Enter CODE: DECEMBER24 at CHECKOUT CLEARANCE on Scripture Inspired APPAREL, ACCESSORIES, WORKOUTS & more! GIFT CERTIFICATES Available! 14 New WORKOUT DOWNLOADS! Plus over 40 available! https://shapedbyfaith.myshopify.com ___________________________________________ HOPE YOU WILL SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL:)    / @shapedbyfaith   LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE to encourage others! You can also click the BELL for notifications on new videos. _____________________________________________ Join me on my Website, Facebook & Instagram: https://www.shapedbyfaith.com/   / shapedbyfaith     / shapedbyfaith   ______________________________________________ Tune in to Shaped by Faith with Theresa Rowe Television Show: https://nrbtv.org/show/shaped-by-faith/ https://www.global7.tv/channel/shaped...    / faithunveiledtvnetwork   https://inspiration.org/tv/show/shape... http://gracetv.co/ https://safetv.org/ https://www.tlnmedia.com/chicago-live https://www.tlnmedia.com/san-francisc... https://www.ctnonline.com/affiliate/c... https://christianmix106.com/on-demand https://abundanttv.com/watch-now/ https://www.canyonstar.tv/program-gro... https://ctnonline.com/affiliate/wybu-tv https://coacb.org/watch-coacb-live World Trumpet TV ____________________________________________ Disclaimer: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. Shaped By Faith is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. #christianfitness #christianworkout #faithandfitness #exercises #workout #fitover40 #fitover50 #fitover60 #menopause #pilatesworkout #pilates #stretches #stretching #christianwomen #faithbasedfitness