Zombie Army 4 - Alpine Blitz Chapter 03 "Unexpected Guests" 100% Walkthrough (All Collectibles)

Zombie Army 4 - Alpine Blitz Chapter 03 "Unexpected Guests" 100% Walkthrough (All Collectibles)

This is part 51 of my 100% collectible and challenge walkthrough of Zombie Army 4: Dead War. This one is chapter 03 of the Alpine Blitz DLC titled "Unexpected Guests". In it I show you where to find all collectibles and how to complete the "Bringing the Heat" challenge which is to "Get a total of 200 kills with a HMG", as well as how to get the gold medal award. TIMESTAMPS: 06:00 Zombie Hand 1/1 06:38 Comic 1/1 06:51 Document 1/1 Challenge: Bringing the Heat "Get a total of 200 kills with a HMG" You'll need to watch the entire video to see how this gets done.