Zombie Army 4 DLC Mission Alpine Blitz Chapter 3 Unexpected Guests

Zombie Army 4 DLC Mission Alpine Blitz Chapter 3 Unexpected Guests

This is My 100% Collectible and Challenge Walkthrough of Zombie Army 4: Dead War. In this part I go through The Unexpected Guests which is Chapter 3 of the DLC Alpine Blitz mission. Gameplay 4K 60fps. Zombie Army 4 DLC Mission 14 Alpine Blitz Chapter 3 Unexpected Guests. Challenge: Bringing the Heat - Get a total of 200 kills with a HMG. Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 05:40 - Zombie Hand 05:57 - Comic 07:02 - Document I'll show you how to find all documents, all comics, all zombie hands and all upgrade kits, as well has how to complete the chapter's challenge. #mrjthelastsurvivor #zombiearmy4deadwarпрохождение #za4