Make Aquarium around Mini Pink Cardboard House with Rainbow Unicorn Slide DIY Miniature House
Make Aquarium around Mini Pink Cardboard House with Rainbow Unicorn Slide - DIY Miniature House Hey Yoooo! Alcie here. Welcome to Cardboard World. I love to make miniature cardboard house using recycled materials for my hamster. In today video I will show you how I make miniature 2 floor cardboard house has bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. Around it I make a big aquarium and rainbow slide on the right side of the house. I make the house with cardboard, paper, glue. Hope you will like this DIY video and have fun time!!! Love you babe😘😘😘 __________________________________________________________________________________ Timestamps: 0:00 | Make Aquarium around Mini Pink Cardboard House with Rainbow Unicorn Slide 09:37 | DIY Miniature Cardboard House ❤️ DIY Amazing Pink Villa has Wall Aquarium, Bedroom, Kitchen (Crafts) 18:10 | Build Mega Luxury Castle With Mega Swimming Pool For Hamster ❤️ DIY Miniature Cardboard House 29:51 | Building Amazing Purple Luxury Castle with Rainbow Slide from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House __________________________________________________________________________________ Title : ( English ) Make Aquarium around Mini Pink Cardboard House with Rainbow Unicorn Slide - DIY Miniature House ( Español ) Haga un acuario alrededor de una mini casa de cartón rosa con tobogán de unicornio arcoíris - Casa en miniatura DIY ( Português ) Faça um aquário em torno de uma mini casa de papelão rosa com slide de unicórnio arco-íris - DIY Miniature House ( 한국어 ) 레인보우 유니콘 슬라이드가 있는 미니 핑크 카드보드 하우스 주변에 수족관 만들기 - DIY 미니어처 하우스 ( 日本人 ) レインボーユニコーンスライドでミニピンクの段ボールハウスの周りに水族館を作る - DIYミニチュアハウス ( Hindi ) रेनबो यूनिकॉर्न स्लाइड के साथ मिनी पिंक कार्डबोर्ड हाउस के चारों ओर एक्वेरियम बनाएं - DIY मिनिएचर हाउस ___________________________________________________________________________________ Dear all my friends, We love a TINY things, MINIATURE HOUSE and MINI items. And We wanna share our PASSION with all people in the world ! "Over 1.9 billion people log into YouTube every month" so i created this channel and build some cute things from cardboard and daily supplies, Recycling them and make some things good from discarded items also cardboard. I wanna share my stories, wanna creating something cute for the world and give you guys relax time with my videos. I also wanna teach you make something cute, bring good things to the world, bring great videos to you ! We specializes in creating small houses and pretty small objects with easy-to-implement materials. Our Chanel Not Suitable for children 13 years and younger. Would you like to join with us on this exciting journey - the journey called Cardboard World? If you have any IDEA please COMMENT babe, i will build it for you with all my love ❤️ Thank you and please subscribe my channel. ______________________________________________________________________________ Wanna see more cute things and colorful room decor, visit my playlist : https://bit.ly/30SpR32 ______________________________________________________________________________ Love Cardboard House, Creative Packed Good from Cardboard, Let's watch this video : How To Build Pink Dream House has 4 Room, Pool from Cardboard for Barbie ❤️ DIY Miniature House • How To Build Pink Dream House has 4 R... DIY Miniature House ❤️ How To Make Cute Tent House with Aquarium around from Cardboard (EASY) • DIY Miniature House ❤️ How To Make Cu... ____________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Facebook : / tiny-world-227935348563437 Follow me on Twitter : / cardboardworld1 Subcribe me on Youtube : https://bit.ly/3jctk5D Follow me Babe ❤️ Subcribe me now ! ____________________________________________________________________________ DIY Miniature Cardboard House From Cardboard World Official Channel #diyminiaturehouse #diyminiaturecardboardhouse #cardboardhouse #miniaturehouse #minihouse #clayhouse #cardboardworld #pinkhouse #cuteminiaturehouse #makinghouse #diycompilations