The #1 List You Will WANT | 20 Survival Foods | Prepping For SHTF
The #1 List YOU WILL WANT, 20 Survival Foods | Prepping For Shtf Get This List Before Its To Late More tips you may have missed! / riversidehomesteadlife Dad Teaching how to store even longer in buckets: • LONG TERM food storage | Food Shortag... Canning Butter • Buy Butter NOW And Preserve It With N... Canning Chicken • Buy Chicken NOW, Stockpile Chicken NO... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: By clicking some links to products could be an affiliate link which will support us through small commission n in some cases, never costing you anymore and often linking a discount for you/ this helps support our channel, thank you for your support. We will keep up the good videos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZE DRYING FOOD\ Check this out: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1... The JASE Medical Case we have: https://www.jasemedical.com/riverside... Our SURVIVAL SEEDS link with discount. https://survivalgardenseeds.com/?ref=... Coupon code : RHL Our pressure canner/ all American 921 pressure canner/ amazon link: https://amzn.to/3JSMDfD Powdered Whole Milk: https://amzn.to/3LzN7bt Berkey Water Filter ( the best I have found) And be sure to use discount code Riverside10 For a exclusive discount !!! https://www.berkeyfilters.com/?a_aid=... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The list: 1/ water, and water purification , bleach, iodine tablets ets 2/ salt, Boullion cubes, spices, herbs fruit pectin, pickling salt 3/ cooking oil, olive oil, coconut oil, lard, tallow, canned butter, dry butter 4/ vinegar, Apple cider vinegar 5/ baking soda, 6/ seeds, microgreen seeds ( see our link for seeds above) 7/ powered milk 8/ dried beans 9/ white rice 10/ dried veggies, fruit, nuts, dried seaweed 11/ oats 12/ flour, wheat berries 13/ vitamins mineral supplements, powdered electrolytes 14/ canned meats, beef, chicken, tuna, sardines, salmon 15/ canned veggies and fruit, olives, pickles 16/ freeze dried foods 17/ coffee, tea, drink powders 18/ nutritional yeast 19/ peanut butter 20/ protein powder in a tub / meal replacement Bonus/ 1/ pet supplies Bonus/2/ prescription meds through jase medical ( link above) BONUS (by popular demand) HONEY (lasts forever) This is a list for people that are out buying food and buying supplies for Prepping, stockpiling emergency foods and items that you will need for when SHTF happens, the items that you almost want, the top 10 list the top 20 list, all of the necessary important emergency needs. In this video we give you 20 survival foods healthy and long lasting, the list that you will want, to stockpile now. this is a Prepping list, this is a food shortage list, you don’t know how bad the food shortages will get in 2022, the hyper inflation and inflation alone will be so bad that you will wish that you had gotten all the supplies ahead of time for half the cost, or while you could still get them. Be sure to go to the grocery stores now, and and pick up all of the supplies that you will need stockpile what you will need for the upcoming hard times, food shortages are bad, supply chain is getting worse and worse and we don’t know what we will be able to get and what we will be able to have when the time comes of SHTF. These are tips on what to get now while you still can. We have a channel called Riverside Homestead Life, in this channel will give you lots of tips on how to use such as learning how to store food long term, how to survive in an emergency, along with this video are many videos that could help you in a prepping situation or in a situation of SHTF, we highly suggest you to continue learning continue prepping and continue stockpiling everything that you will need for long-term #the1listyouwillwant #20survivalfoods #preppingforshtf