We Made OVER $500 in Dividends This Month | Our Dividend Stocks & Portfolio | Dividend Income
Topic: OVER $500 in Dividends | Our Dividend Stocks & Portfolio | Dividend Income For Early Retirement It's our November Dividend Income update! 18 dividend paychecks that equals $500+. Enjoy! Grab your Beginner Dividend Bundle here - https://www.mt1finance.com/product-pa... #dividends #stockmarket #financialfreedom Check these videos: 1. 401k 101 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qknea... 2. How to Invest $100 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOPHp... 3. Dividend Investing 101 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pELD... 4. Our early retirement aka FIRE update - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPbV4... ~ Ready to start investing or want to support my channel? 1. Get your September Investing Challenge, Dividend Trackers & Mini Investing Trackers - www.mt1finance.com/shop 2. Join Our Patreon - / mommytrader 3. Help your investie bestie get through the late nights of filming, editing and uploading videos - buymeacoffee.com/LQF5JDDvsm 4. Book a 15, 30 or 60 minutes private session - https://www.mt1finance.com/financial-... 5. Send a SUPER THANKS or join the channel membership! 6. Like, comment & subscribe! THANK YOU INVESTIE BESTIES!!! Sign up with Robinhood - https://join.robinhood.com/stevenb8187 ✳ Webull - https://act.webull.com/ve/lwxeZLotFZ.... ✴- M1 Finance - https://m1.finance/swhKr6ahhFTD ✳- Interested in Bitcoin. Join Coinbase - https://www.coinbase.com/join/begley_8h ✴- Sign up with Fetch Rewards and use my code- YFRCKB ✳- Join Ibotta - https://ibotta.onelink.me/iUfE/8cc13c... **DISCLAIMER - PLEASE DO NOT COPY, PLAGIARIZE OR USE ANY MT BUSINESS RELATED CONTENT WITH MY PERMISSION! THANK YOU! ⌨Follow Me on Instagram: / mommytrader.. . Thanks for watching! Please comment, like, share and subscribe! #ibonds #inflation #bonds #dividends #financialfreedom #passiveincome #savingschallenges #investing101 #investing #stockmarket #passiveincome #sidehustle #mortgage #firsttimehomebuyers #retirement #portfolio #retirement #financialfreedom Send me an e-mail! No spam. Only serious inquiries! [email protected] Disclaimer!! I am NOT a financial advisor! All opinions are my own. Please do your own due diligence or seek advise from a licensed professional. I am not responsible for any losses incurred by anyone. This is for entertainment only. 401k, retirement, early, debt free journey update, how to retire early on low income, cash stuffing envelopes low income, cash stuffing savings challenges how to retire early using the rule of 55,financial independence retire early fire, cash stuffing budget, how to retire early with stock, cash stuffing 2022,financial independence, financial freedom, money moves, tax return ,tax return 2022,tax return update, tax refund 2022,tax refund cash stuffing, tax refund stuffing 2022,irs,money,cash, debt free journey update, cash stuffing sinking funds, budget with me low income, how to retire early on low income, financial planning 2022,budget with me cash envelopes, cash stuffing envelopes low income, cash stuffing savings challenges, financial independence retire early fire, cash stuffing budget, how to retire early with stock, financial independence, financial freedom, money moves, tax return, money, invest, savings challenge, low income, retirement, retire early fire, how to invest, what are stocks, buying stocks, stock market 00:00 Introduction 01:39 Why I LOVE dividend investing 04:01 Tracking our dividends 04:53 Dividends from Robinhood 07:05 Dividends from IB 08:05 Dividends from M1 Finance 09:10 Dividends in MooMoo 09:27 Total Dividends for November 10:26 Counting Dividend Cash 12:30 Dividend Spreadsheet 13:42 Outro