INCREDIBLE ANCIENT MASONRY Done With Plants & Chemicals That Soften Stone & Dissolve Metal? Part 1

INCREDIBLE ANCIENT MASONRY Done With Plants & Chemicals That Soften Stone & Dissolve Metal? Part 1

#lostancienthightechnology #jotcha #mystery The stonework of the ancient world captures people imagination. All sorts of explanations are offered on how it was achieved and the fantastic ones receive the most attention and promotion. One of the more popular explanations for finely fitted stonework in Peru, and Egypt, is that the stones were softened by some plant or chemical. According to legends the Inca stone masons were able to soften stone this way. Where and from who do these legends come? The basis for all these blogs and videos on the subject can be traced back and narrowed down to a couple of sources, which are little more than anecdotes yet are presented as being worthy of serious investigation. Of course not by the people who are most interested in them, it must be the 'skeptics' who need to do and fund the work!! Which is lost ancient technology in a nutshell. I'm here on a spiritual journey of truth and seeking but the clout and the profits are my only responsibility. It's up to others to put in the time and funding to do the actual work. I'm too busy copy pasting, and throwing shade at those I insist must make the sacrifice I am not willing to make myself. Accounts from Percy and Brian Fawcett On the reddish, glittery mud the Inca used for perfecting their stone masonry by Helmut Tributsch Blogs on stone softening mentioning Jorge Lira June 2003 post with the details on Father Jorge Lira and his interview. This might be the original or early source for all the copy pasted references of the stone softening plant. https://vivatacademia-web-uah-es.tran... https://vivatacademia-web-uah-es.tran... Magic Flower of the Inca - Peruvian Magic Tree. The only result for Jotcha that I could find? Randomly chosen youtube video on stone softening, this one at least did have some references such as naming Jorge Lira and the Jotcha bush.    • Did the ancient Incas use a secret pl...