Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B: I Have Chosen and Appointed You To Go and Bear Fruit | John 15:9-17
May 5, 2024: Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord, and my Father will love him and we will come to him. I Have Chosen and Appointed You To Go and Bear Fruit Gospel | John 15:9-17 🙏 "Dear Lord Jesus, You have shown me that to love is not a burden nor an impossible act. To love one another is an invitation from You to live the fullness of life in the way You lived with Your disciples. I now ask for the grace to understand better how You love, so that my love can be fashioned like the way you love. Your commandments are all about love and not rules. Grant me the wisdom to know that to love is the center of all that I do and is far more greater than all of the sacrifices that I have offered. May I be the face of Your love to those I meet each day and be given the grace to lay down my life for You, my forever faithful friend. Amen." St. Hilary of Arles, pray for us.