For God So Loved the World/What Do You Love?

For God So Loved the World/What Do You Love?

Friendship or love of this world means going along with, living in, agreeing with and loving the lusts of the flesh and the driving spirit behind them – self, self, self! You can’t do that and be a friend of God! The only way to be God’s friend is to turn away from sin, to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your and my personal Saviour and give Him our whole heart and follow Him. It is to hate what God Hates which is the lusts of the flesh – all egotism, pride and evil – and to Love what God Loves. “friendship with the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4). When we prioritize the pleasures of this world over our relationship with God, we essentially become enemies of God. Our focus should always be on growing in our relationship with Him, not on conforming to the standards of cultural expectations.