Jeera Cookies Recipe | जीरा कुकीज़ | Eggless Zeera Cookies | Cumin Biscuit Recipe | Tea Time Snack
#Zeerabiscuit #Cheftoqeer #Openairdhaba INGREDIENTS: FOR THE DOUGH: Margarine= 200 gm Butter= 200 gm Custard Sugar= 200 gm Custard Powder= 25 gm Milk Powder= 30 gm Salt= 10 gm Baking Powder= 7 gm Baking Soda= 2 gm Cumin Seeds= 10 gm All Purpose Flour= 500 gm FOR THE TOP: Water Cumin Seeds= 6 gm jeeracookiesrecipe egglessjeerarbiscuits biscuitsrecipe howtomakejeeracookiesrecipe chefkhursheedalamrecipe howtomakeegglessbiscuitrecipe howtomakejeerarecipeathome cookiesrecipe by Cheftoqeer jeeracookiesrecipebychefkhursheedalam jeeracookiesrecipebybhargainkachef Open Air Dhaba Recipes howtomakejeeracookiesrecipeinhindi cookiesrecipe chefkhursheedalamrecipe sweetcookiesrecipe sweetbiscuitrecipe bakeryjaisebiscuit bakeryjaisecookieskaisebanaye howtomakecookiesrecipe howtomakesweetcookiesrecipe cumincookies biscuitrecipe Thank you so much for watching my recipes and Please subscribe my channel and press bell icon button for new video notification: ❤️