Pranayama for Beginners: Test Your Breathing Rate | 3 Powerful Exercises

Pranayama for Beginners: Test Your Breathing Rate | 3 Powerful Exercises

Pranayama for Beginners: Test Your Breathing Rate & Do This Sequence of Breathing Exercises to Slow Down the Breath. Today we'll talk about Pranayama for Beginners. The way you breathe, the quality of your breath has a direct relationship with the quality of your life, quality of your relationships, quality of your finances, and by changing and regulating your breath, you can make desired changes in your body and this will have a snowball effect on the rest of your life. Somebody wise said, life happens between your first and and your last breath and the quality of your life depends on the quality of your breathing and that's where we get into the pranayama. What is pranayama? Pranayama is your ability to be able to regulate your Prana, regulate your breath. I want you to bring attention to your life, maybe you're feeling stressed, anxious is it because of money, relationship or maybe you're not having the job you want. What if I told you that there is one simple thing you can control right now that could change all of that, your breath. Breath is a tangible part of Prana breath is something you understand and you can feel it . Prana is something which is in a different dimension, slowly as we become aware of our breath we slowly start to experience the dimension of Prana! ✅ Download Breathwork Journal 👉 NEW: 12-Day Breathwork Challenge to Open Your Third Eye BENEFITS Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Regulating your breath lowers stress and anxiety by reducing your breathing rate. Boost Energy and Vitality: Breathing 6-10 times per minute puts you in the "Harmony Zone," increasing energy levels and balancing body and mind. Enhance Mental Clarity: Slowing down your breath reduces unnecessary thoughts, builds a vibrant pranic body, and attracts positivity. CHAPTERS 0:00 - Introduction to Pranayama for Beginners 1:32 - Breathing Rate Test Instructions 3:05 - Analyzing Your Breathing Rate Results 5:41 - Diaphragmatic Breathing 10:11 - Ujjayi Breathing 14:12 - Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana) 19:05 - Additional Resources 👉 The School of Breath presents: Holistic Awakening Membership [Join Now] 📲 Download The School Of Breath App: LATEST COURSES [sign up] 👉 12-Day Breathwork Challenge to Open Your Third Eye 👉 9-Day Breathwork Challenge for Bliss and Fulfillment 👉 9-Day Breathwork Challenge for Energy, Health and Vitality 👉 9-Day Meditation Challenge for Mental Clarity and Inner Peace 👉 Swara Yoga Breath Alignment Course for Success in Life 👉 Sleep Mastery Course to Find the Root Cause of Your Sleep Problems 👉 Course Calendar 👉 Website LATEST SUPPORT MATERIALS [free download] ✅ Third Eye eBook, Meditation ✅ Tummo Breathing eBook, Meditation ✅ Natural Home Remedies for Cold & Cough ✅ Gratitude Alarm Tone ✅ Chakra Balance eBook JOIN OUR COMMUNITY 🔗 Telegram Channel 🔗 Whatsapp Channel 🔗 FB Group 🔗 Instagram CONTACT US 📞 Leave Feedback 📞 Book A Call With Abhi 📞 Send an email to: [email protected] YOUTUBE CHANELS ▶️ The School of Breath    / theschoolofbreath   ▶️ The School of Mantra    / @theschoolofmantras   ▶️ Meditate with Abhi    / meditatewithabhi   ▶️ Youtube Membership    / @theschoolofbreath   DISCLAIMER The content provided on this channel is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before beginning any new wellness program, including breathing exercises, pranayama, yoga, or meditation, particularly if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. The School of Breath and its affiliates are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the information provided. #breathwork #pranayama #theschoolofbreath #pranayamabreathing #meditation