[ Kor & Eng Sub ] [ Korean Shadowing ] 근데 뭐 때문에 화났어? - By the way, why are you angry?
Shadowing is one of the best ways to improve your Korean speaking skills as it helps improve pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary Improve your spoken Korean with a short conversation from K-dramas It is structured into four parts as follows: Part 1: No subtitles will be provided Listening only, 100% Part 2: Korean subtitles only Try to figure out the meaning using Korean Part 3: Korean and English subtitles provided You can understand sentences and vocabulary Part 4: Shadowing Korean sentences Listen and repeat 근데 뭐 때문에 화났어? [ 근데 뭐 때무네 화나써? ] 아니거든 [ 아니거든 ] 짜증 났네, 뭐! [ 짜증 났네, 뭐! ] #learnkorean #koreanshadowing #koreanlanguage #koreanstudy #shadowingkorean