Webinar: Strategies for FRQs on the AP Calculus Exam, Part 3

Webinar: Strategies for FRQs on the AP Calculus Exam, Part 3

Learn successful exam strategies for free response questions (FRQ) on AP Calculus tests. Former AP Calculus Chief Reader Steve Kokoska and AP Calculus Development Committee Co-Lead Vickie Carter provide insights on the scoring guidelines of the 2019 Free Response Question (FRQ) AB 6. This problem included the concepts of limits, continuity, derivatives and L’Hospital’s Rule. Presenters cover detailed interpretations and common student errors. Insights on how technology can deepen student’s understanding are presented using the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire graphing calculators. Additional examples with continuity and L’Hospital’s rule are presented. 0:00 Webinar introduction 2:26 Start of webinar For more free webinars on TI technology, visit https://bit.ly/2lMq037.