August 21, 2022 10AM Worship Service

August 21, 2022 10AM Worship Service

Recordings of our Sunday worship services are posted during the following week. Today's Sermon: Chaos on the Edge: Resurrection Hope (1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 50-58) Dr. Robert Prince Scripture Reading and Prayer: Deborah Mahaley Children's Sermon: Rev. Christi Hollifield Acolytes: Anna Fleenor | Mariel Ottinger | Emily Ferguson Worship Through Music: Prelude: Lift High the Cross (A. Jordan) Mary Ann Cooper - Organ Crown Him With Many Crowns (Hymn #161) Sanctuary Choir | Congregation Resurrection People (by Pepper Choplin | Heather Choplin) Sanctuary Choir He Lives (Hymn #533) Congregation Before the Throne of God Above (Shane and Shane) 100 South Main worship band Resurrection Day (Rend Collective) 100 South Main worship band Postlude: Crown Him Lord of All (M. McDonald) Mary Ann Cooper - Organ