থাইরয়েডের রোগ গ্রেভস ডিজিজের কারণ, লক্ষণ ও চিকিৎসা | Graves' Disease: Causes, Symptoms
থাইরয়েডের রোগ গ্রেভস ডিজিজের কারণ, লক্ষণ ও চিকিৎসা | Graves' Disease: Causes, Symptoms #thyroidproblems #gravesdisease #thyroiddisease #medicofunda Hyperthyroidism – Symptoms, Causes – Graves’ Disease, Graves' ophthalmopathy, Thyroid nodules (Plummer’s disease). Diagnosis- Physical exam, Blood tests, Imaging tests - Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test, Thyroid scan, Thyroid ultrasound. Treatment - Antithyroid drugs, Radioactive iodine What foods should be avoided if you have hyperthyroidism? – list is given here. #hyperthyroidism #thyroiddisorders #symptomsofhyperthyroidism #causesofhyperthyroidism #gravesdisease #gravesopthalmopathy #plummer’sdisease #thyroidnodule #diagnosisofhyperthyroidism #radioactiveiodineuptaketest #treatmentofhyperthyroidism #harmfulfoodsforhyperthyroidism #logintobio Anyone can suggest in the comment box that in which topic he/she wants discussion. Subscribe the channel to get notifications first. The photos are used only for educational purpose. The sources of them are mentioned in each slide of the presentation.