Guilty - Romans 3:9-20
3/2/2025 Music Used with Permission CCLI # 21724720 The Apostle Paul, transports us into the heavenly courtroom where he stands as the prosecuting attorney giving his final arguments before the gavel comes crashing down. All men are accountable to God because of their sin. In ancient Rome, if a defendant had nothing to say, they would place their hand over their mouth as a sign of no defense (that is the picture of v. 19). There is only one verdict that the Righteous Judge of the Universe can give; GUILTY AS CHARGED! THE MAIN POINT: The verdict of guilty is a gateway to the victory of grace. 1. MAN'S PROBLEM IS HIS CONDITION - TOTAL DEPRAVITY a. Man is universally corrupt b. Man is unrighteous c. Man is unreasonable d. Man is unresponsive e. Man is unrepentant 2. THE PROOF OF HIS CONDITION IS FOUND IN HIS CONDUCT a. His conduct is criminal 1. Man's words are wicked a. His words are vile b. His words are venomous 2. Man's ways are wicked a. He is a murderer b. He is full of misery 3. THE CAUSE IS MUTINY a. Mutiny - Man does not fear God 4. THE CONSEQUENCE a. Man is left silenced b. Man is shown the divine standard c. The knowledge of sin shows us what the law does 1. To Reveal sin 2. To Restrain sin 3. To Make us RUN to CHRIST a. Man is GUILTY and he must cry out for Pardon