Traditional Worship (December 20, 2020) - Fourth Sunday in Advent (Christmas Service/Program)

Traditional Worship (December 20, 2020) - Fourth Sunday in Advent (Christmas Service/Program)

Traditional Worship (December 20, 2020)- Fourth Sunday In Advent- Christmas Service/Program. SPECIAL THANKS TO THOSE WHO MADE OUR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM POSSIBLE TODAY: Pastor: Garry Hogue Music Director: Connie Senter Lay Reader: Jim Morgan Children's Message/Lighting of Advent Wreath: Tammy Chapman Video Production/Tech Support: Jake Vollmar Choir: Krissy Gabriel, Connie Garrison, Pastor Garry Hogue, Bob Leach, Connie Senter Bell Choir: Nancy Cydrus, Tyler Davis, Michelle Duncan, Roxann Duncan, Krissy Gabriel, Connie Garrison, Bob Leach, Connie Senter, Jane Speakman, Jean Ziogas Please Note: We are aware that some individuals have continued to experience audio issues when viewing our videos. We have found that depending on the device you are using (phone, tablet, computer) that the audio quality may vary. Please try adjusting the volume level on your device accordingly. Thank You.