How to do Scorpion Pose | Vrschikasana Tutorial with Briohny Smyth
Learn how to do Scorpion Pose (Vrschikasana). This free video tutorial will teach you the proper alignment and technique to help you safely move into Scorpion Pose. Continue practicing with this full-length yoga class: https://alomov.es/scorpion_pose If you’re looking to learn some advanced inversions, Scorpion Pose is a great place to start. This pose requires a solid handstand practice, but the time you put in will be totally worth it. Here are some health benefits of Scorpion Pose: Stretches your front body and opens your heart Builds deep core strength Increases strength and stability in upper body and back body Improves balance and coordination How to do Scorpion Pose: 1. Start in handstand with your legs together. 2. Bend one knee and charge the straight leg overhead. 3. Drop your chest and lift your head up as you create a backbend simultaneously with your leg coming over. 4. Bend the straight leg toes toward your head. As you bring the bent leg overhead, continue to lift your head up toward your toes. 5. Bring your big toes to touch and reach your toes toward your head. Liked this Scorpion Pose tutorial? Kickstart your home yoga practice with a free two-week trial to AloMoves.com. We recommend these full-length yoga classes: Melini Jesudason's Posture Clinic: Scorpion Pose: https://alomov.es/scorpion_pose Jared McCann’s Heart of Hatha: https://alomov.es/scorpion_pose_2 Subscribe to the Alo Moves Youtube channel for more yoga pose breakdowns, tutorials, and inspiration!