Resident Evil 2 Claire Story B Standard Rook Chess Plug
Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming plays Resident Evil 2. I am your host Lord Fenton. In today's video I am going to show everyone the Rook Chess Plug in Story B plus other goodies like another hip pouch. This is the two part video in the Chess Plug Puzzle. I will be showing the Rook Chess piece as part 1 and part 2 is the Queen and King. In order to open the locked door by the chess plug puzzle and save Sherry you need to get the Rook, King and Queen plugs. So sit back and watch the video on how to get the Rook piece in Claire Story B in the sewers. If you like what you see Subscribe to my channel for more videos like this. Timestamps =========== Intro - 0:05 Sewers Map - 0:24 T Handle - 1:09 Hint about Sewers Safe - 1:26 The answer to the safe is on the side. Here it is 2 Left, 12 Right , 8 Left Safe Opened and Dire Weapon Upgrade gained - 2:44 Hip Pouch - 8:44 On the way I was opening up short cuts to see if they were worth it. Still it's time to get back to the main goal of the video. Chess Rook Piece - 15:09 The next video will have the entire chess puzzle solution! Please subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GrimFent... Here is my Leon Standard Playlist for Resident Evil 2: • Resident Evil 2 Leon Run (Complete) Here is my Claire Standard Playlist for Resident Evil 2: • Resident Evil 2 Claire Run (Complete) #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Remake #RE2 #RE2Remake #ResidentEvil #RE