Resident Evil 2 Claire Story B Standard Chess Puzzle Solution

Resident Evil 2 Claire Story B Standard Chess Puzzle Solution

Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming plays Resident Evil 2. I am your host Lord Fenton. In today's video I am going to show everyone the last two chess plus and than solve the puzzle. As an added bonus I am going to show everyone what items are locked behind the locked doors you can open in the sewers on Claire Story B. The first goal is King and Queen pieces than the last goal is solving the puzzle. The Chess Plug Puzzle B is different than Chess Plug Puzzle A. So I will give out the solution here and below so people can solve it faster than I did. After that some bonus items and yes the locker combo for the Sewers locker if anyone missed it. Subscribe to my channel if you want more and enjoy the video. Timestamps ============ Intro - 0:05 Path to King and Queen Chess Plugs- 0:58 Sewer Key - 1:22 Door King and Queen Chess Plug Room- 4:27 Here's the solution to the puzzle in timestamps. 1) Take the Queen Chess Plug - 5:04 2) Put the Queen Chess Plug Here - 5:10 3) Go Upstairs, jump down and take the King Chess Plug - 5:35 4) Place the King Chess Plug Here - 6:02 5) After taking the Spark Shot if you wish, than unlock this door - 6:20 6) Take the King Chess Plug - 6:25 7) Take the Queen Chess Plug - 6:59 8) Place the Queen Chess Plug Here - 7:14 9) Place the King Chess Plug here - 7:21 10) Take the Queen Chess Plug Here - 7:37 11) Take the King Chess Plug here - 7:42 12) Walk out with Both Chess Plugs - 7:50 After all that get back to the Save Room with the Chess Plugs. Here's the solution for the entire puzzle. I'll post the timestamps and Order for the Chess Plug Puzzle Solution here: Knight, Rook, Pawn (PAWN ALWAYS STAYS PUT) Near Item BOx Queen, Bishop and King Near Locked Door! Put Knight Here - 12:19 Put Rook Here - 12:24 Leave Pawn Alone Move to Other Side next. Put Bishop Here - 12:40 Put Queen Here - 12:56 Put King Here - 13:03 Door should open here - 13:06 Code for Sewers Locker - 16:03 After all that time to safe G Stage 2. Good luck!!! Please subscribe to my channel: Here is my Leon Standard Playlist for Resident Evil 2:    • Resident Evil 2 Leon Run (Complete)   Here is my Claire Standard Playlist for Resident Evil 2:    • Resident Evil 2 Claire Run (Complete)   #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Remake #RE2 #RE2Remake #ResidentEvil #RE