Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases in India | Causes, Risks, and Prevention
@drbalaramdhotre Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases in India | Causes, Risks, and Prevention The cardiovascular system is an important system in the body as it supplies nutrients to all parts. The system has several types of arteries starting from the heart and supplying blood to a particular section of the body. keeping all the arteries is the key to good cardiovascular health. The cause of CVD is attributed to risk factors. Reducing risk factors is thought to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The policy decision-makers are addressing the risk factors, and not the underlying cause. Addressing the underlying cause Is the right solution. To know more check my blog article: https://lyproc.com/cardiovascular-dis... To know the underlying cause of diseases read my book 'Unraveling The Root Cause of Chronic Disease". It is available on Amazon. This is the link to BUY the book: https://www.amazon.in/dp/935847114X? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep coronary artery clean. Doing so will help prevent heart attacks. To know the details contact me or visit the website: https://lyproc.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer The information provided in the video is for educational purposes only and should be considered medical advice. Please consult your doctor before taking any supplements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keywords cardiovascular diseases in India CVD prevention India CVD treatment India heart disease India stroke India heart attack India risk factors for CVD government initiatives for CVD healthy lifestyle India heart health tips Dr. Balaram Dhotre ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like and subscribe to my YouTube channel: / @drbalaramdhotre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------