부드러운 밑반찬, 돼지고기 장조림 , Pork jangjorim (= Soy Sauce Braised Pork)
장조림은 소고기로 만드는게 일반적이지만, 저는 돼지고기로 만들어 더 부드러운 장조림을 만들어 보았습니다. 간장베이스지만 짜지 않고 입맛을 돋워주는 좋은 반찬이에요. 재료 돼지고기 안심 600 g, 메추리알 20개, 진간장 1/2컵, 꽈리고추 200 g, 건표고 3개, 다시마 1쪽, 양파 1/2개. 마늘 2/3컵 맛술 1 1/2 Tbs, 물 7 1/2컵, 대파 1/2대, 생강 1톨, 소금 1/2 Tbs, 식초 2 Tbs, 깨소금, 통후추 레시피 ▶ https://kimsangkung.tistory.com/118 Although it's common to make it with beef, I made it with pork and made it with a smoother one. It's a soy sauce base, but it's a good side dish that makes your appetite more palatable. Ingredient 600g of Beef Tenderloin, 20 quail eggs, Half cup of dark soy sauce, 200g of Ground cherry pepper, 3 dried Shitake, 1 kelp, Half of onion, 2/3 Cup of garlic 1 and Half Tbs of cooking wine, 7 and Half cup of water, Half of spring onion, Ginger, Half Tbs of salt, 2 Tbs of vinegar, Grind sesame, Whole Pepper Recipe ▶ https://kimsangkung.tistory.com/118 #돼지고기장조림#장조림#메추리알#돼지고기장조림만드는법#돼지고기장조림만들기#메추리알장조림만들기#메추리알장조림만드는법