Never seen such fluffy bread made with condensed milk! Soft as clouds!

Never seen such fluffy bread made with condensed milk! Soft as clouds!

Never seen such fluffy bread made with condensed milk! Soft as clouds! Extremely easy and delicious, Welcome to RECIPESwithMARYA channel.baking bread,how to make bread at home.My name is Marya ,, your leading channel for mastering the art of homemade bread , buns . Join us on a delicious journey as we share expert tips, step-by-step tutorials and delicious recipes that will enhance your baking skills. Good appetite! 🙌 Friends, if you liked this video, leave your comments. ✍ I am very interested in listening to you. 💐 You can share this video with your friends in the same way. ❗❗ WRITE A COMMENT or put a smiley face. It won't be hard for you, but I will be very happy!    • Incredible ❗️❗️ very easy and delicio...      • Bread recipe 2024, easy recipe to sur...      • bread recipes, Only rice and yeast❗❗ ...   subscribe me    / @recipeswithmarya   INGREDIENTS milk 125ml sugar 30gr yeast 4gr egg 1 butter 15gr salt 3gr flour 250gr condensed milk 30gr    • easy bread recipe, delicious  baking ...      • Video      • PINEAPPLE  pie cupcake recipe, Magic ...      / @recipeswithmarya     / delicioushouse66     / delicioushouse66   #breadrecipe #cooking #howtomakemilkbread #condensedmilk #recipe