(Part 1) 21 Easy Ways to BUST THROUGH an Intermittent Fasting WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAU!

(Part 1) 21 Easy Ways to BUST THROUGH an Intermittent Fasting WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAU!

Are you struggling with a frustrating intermittent fasting weight loss plateau? If so, be sure to tune in as So What IF? with Jen (https://sowhatifwithjen.com) shares 21 easy ways to BUST THROUGH a stubborn "IF" Weight Loss Plateau! In this episode (Part 1) Jen will give you 10 of the 21 easy tricks you can try (recommended foods, drinks, spices, "IF" schedules, exercise tips) to BLAST THROUGH a stall get your weight loss journey back on the right track! You don't want to miss this extremely helpful tip-packed episode of the "INTERMITTENT FASTING GEMS with Jen" Podcast! (https://) If you LOVED this episode PRETTY PLEASE (with Sugar on Top) consider taking 1 minute to leave a 5 STAR REVIEW! It will help spread the word about how INCREDIBLE living an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle really is! GET JEN'S "IF" COURSE FOR JUST $39 Snag Jen's Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss Masterclass (https://www.sowhatifwithjen.com/inter...) for just $39 when you enter the code: gems10 at checkout (https://courseswithjen.thinkific.com/...) BECOME A PODCAST GUEST Hey - Would You Like to Share Your Awesome Intermittent Fasting Success Story on the Intermittent Fasting Gems with Jen Podcast? If so, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU. Simply send me an email of interest to: sowhatifwithjen@gmail.com and I'll get back with you within 1-3 days. EPISODE #27 RELATED RESOURCES Find all links to resources mentioned in this episode #27 (including 53 Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Recipes Ebook, 30 Day Plank Plan & 4 Best Spices for Weight Loss Blog Post) here: Jen's Podcast Episode-Related RESOURCES and RECOMMENDATIONS Page (https://www.sowhatifwithjen.com/podca...) JEN'S WEIGHT LOSS RESOURCES: INTERMITTENT FASTING & WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS (6 Weeks to Sexy) - for the person who is finally ready to get serious about this "IF" thing: https://courseswithjen.thinkific.com/ JEN'S 3-WEEK INTERMITTENT FASTING JUMPSTART PLAN: - perfect for beginners who want to know EXACTLY what to do to get started https://jensintermittentfastingjumpst... 53 INTERMITTENT FASTING WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES EBOOK: - tons of fat-burning recipes that are super easy and super quick to make https://53-intermittent-fasting.milot... CONNECT WITH JEN: Jen's CONNECT & HELP Resource Page (https://jen'sconnect&helpresourcepage/) WEBSITE & BLOG: www.sowhatifwithjen.com (https://www.sowhatifwithjen.com/) INTERMITTENT FASTING FACEBOOK SUPPORT GROUP:   / 363568562022817   YouTube:    / @sowhatifwithjen   PINTEREST:   / sowhatifwithjen   TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@sowhatifwithj... INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sowhatifwit... LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/sowhatifwithjen *Hope to meet up with you in the next episode. Have the BEST DAY EVER!