Take Control of Photoshop Masks with this Simple Technique
Understanding the simple technique in this tutorial will help you take control of Photoshop masks and master any masking tool fast. FREE BOOK OFFER Get your free copy of my book "6 Steps to Shooting Beautiful Landscapes Photography": https://lenscraft/offer/ OTHER BOOKS Make photo editing easy with my books and courses: https://lenscraft.co.uk/books-by-robi... In this video tutorial, I explain and demonstrate how to control masks in Photoshop, using the Levels adjustment. This understanding provides you with all the knowledge necessary to take control of other masking tools, such as On1 Photo RAW 2018. At the start, I demonstrate how the Photoshop Levels adjustment can precisely control the tones in a mask. This is then applied to a luminosity mask created from a landscape image. The luminosity mask is then refined with the Levels adjustment so that it only targets areas of the image that are lighter than a midtone value. We finish with a demonstration of On1 Photo RAW masking and how this is like the Levels adjustment technique in Photoshop. #robinwhalley #lenscraft #lenscraftphotography