How to make Burger Buns with Sweet Potato
Hello friends, "Hey there, I'm back with some more delicious burger buns! These buns are super soft and fluffy, with a slightly sweet and buttery flavor. You can use them to make tasty burgers or sandwiches, or simply enjoy them on their own with your favorite toppings. Plus, they're a nutritious choice, especially for kids, thanks to the vitamin A-rich sweet potato!" RECIPE: FOR THE BREAD: 1)bread flour: 400 gm (or all-purpose flour) 2)salt: 1 tsp 3)sweet potato: 250 gm (peeled) 4)water: 3/4 cup (180 ml) for boiling the sweet potato 5)sugar: 40 gm 6)soft unsalted butter: 40 gm 7)large egg at room temp: 1 8)milk at room temp: 75 ml 9)instant dry yeast: (1+1/4) tsp FOR THE EGG WASH: 1)egg: 1 2)water: 1 tbsp Do give my recipe a try, and feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions. Happy baking! #sweetpotatoburgerbunsrecipe #homemadeburgerbuns #asmrcookingsounds #easyburgerbunsrecipe #vegetablebuns #pickyeater #pickyeaterrecipe #orangeburgerbuns #homemadebreadrecipe #Junali'a COOKBOOK #cozykitckensounds #cozybaking #healthybuns #burgerbunsforkids #sneakingvegetableskidsfood #红薯汉堡包的食谱 #고구마 버거 빵 레시피. #Рецепт булочек для бургеров со сладким картофелем #recette de pains à burger aux patates douces #Ricetta panini per hamburger di patate dolci #receta de panecillos de hamburguesa de batata #शकरकंद बर्गर बन्स रेसिपी #oppskrift på søtpotetburgerboller #मीठो आलु बर्गर बन्स नुस्खा #スイートポテトバーガーバンズのレシピ