How to make Burger Buns with Sweet Potato

How to make Burger Buns with Sweet Potato

Hello friends, "Hey there, I'm back with some more delicious burger buns! These buns are super soft and fluffy, with a slightly sweet and buttery flavor. You can use them to make tasty burgers or sandwiches, or simply enjoy them on their own with your favorite toppings. Plus, they're a nutritious choice, especially for kids, thanks to the vitamin A-rich sweet potato!" RECIPE: FOR THE BREAD: 1)bread flour: 400 gm (or all-purpose flour) 2)salt: 1 tsp 3)sweet potato: 250 gm (peeled) 4)water: 3/4 cup (180 ml) for boiling the sweet potato 5)sugar: 40 gm 6)soft unsalted butter: 40 gm 7)large egg at room temp: 1 8)milk at room temp: 75 ml 9)instant dry yeast: (1+1/4) tsp FOR THE EGG WASH: 1)egg: 1 2)water: 1 tbsp Do give my recipe a try, and feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions. Happy baking! #sweetpotatoburgerbunsrecipe #homemadeburgerbuns #asmrcookingsounds #easyburgerbunsrecipe #vegetablebuns #pickyeater #pickyeaterrecipe #orangeburgerbuns #homemadebreadrecipe #Junali'a COOKBOOK #cozykitckensounds #cozybaking #healthybuns #burgerbunsforkids #sneakingvegetableskidsfood #红薯汉堡包的食谱 #고구마 버거 빵 레시피. #Рецепт булочек для бургеров со сладким картофелем #recette de pains à burger aux patates douces #Ricetta panini per hamburger di patate dolci #receta de panecillos de hamburguesa de batata #शकरकंद बर्गर बन्स रेसिपी #oppskrift på søtpotetburgerboller #मीठो आलु बर्गर बन्स नुस्खा #スイートポテトバーガーバンズのレシピ