Grace Toronto Church - (November 7, 2021 Service)

Grace Toronto Church - (November 7, 2021 Service)

Welcome to the Grace Toronto Church Sunday service livestream on NOVEMBER 7. Join us here or visit​. ONLINE BULLETIN: Sermon Title - Why We Share our Faith Sermon Series - 2 Corinthians: Power Through Weakness Scripture Passage - 2 Corinthians 4: 1-6 Timestamp - 33:24 Links & Announcements Belowđź”» -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWCOMERS LUNCH New to Grace? Come and get to know our values, our community, and one of our pastors. Join us after the 9:30am or the 11:15am service TODAY for a meal in the Upper Hall of the church. GTKIDS WINTER GALA GT Kids families, this one is for you! Come enjoy an afternoon of fun activities with your friends and family. Come dressed for a celebration (semi formal) and enjoy gingerbread house making, a famliy photobooth, dessert, and more! Join us on DECEMBER 4 from 1 to 4pm. Tickets are free but space is limited. We are already almost full so if you'd like to attend you'll want to sign up quickly! Sign up by emailing [email protected] GTKIDS SPACE EXPANSION GT Kids is downstairs as of today (NOVEMBER 7) for in-person 9:30AM Sunday Services! We are running our mixed age class for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 5 as well as our toddler/preschool class that is opening today! Space is limited, first come first serve. Elementary school kids are dismissed during the passing of the peace. Toddler/preschool can be dropped off ten minutes before service. WOMEN WHO PRAY Women of Grace, God hears us when we pray (Ps.116:2) Like Anna the prophetess or Hannah the mother of Samuel, we can be assured He answers us in His time and according to His will when we call out to Him. Please join together on Sunday NOVEMBER 28 from 1:00-2:45pm with other women for a time of prayer for our church, the city and each other at GT downtown. GRACE CENTRE FOR THE ARTS: IMPRINT Reminder that this Saturday, NOVEMBER 13, the Grace Centre for the Arts will be hosting a launch event for the 2021 issue of Imprint magazine, featuring singer-songwriter Hannah Sloots in concert. Today is the last day to order an advance copy of Imprint at, but the issue in all its printed glory will also be available in-person—come for your copy of Imprint and stay for the music! Tickets are free but space is limited so go to to register. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Are you interested in serving or getting involved at Grace? Well we are in need of more greeters and screeners and so we're asking you to help us if you can. Please message [email protected] and check out our Serve page to volunteer in any other areas: SUPPORT If you are in any form of need or if you are able to help others, please visit​ or visit​ to submit your prayers.