Passive Voice of Infinitive Sentences | Infinitive Sentences| Urdu & Hindi |

Passive Voice of Infinitive Sentences | Infinitive Sentences| Urdu & Hindi |

Hello . This is Abid Ali Shahani From Pakistan . This channel will help you in Education field specially in English Literature , Linguistics and other areas of Grammar . Today's topic is 1. Active And Passive Voice 2. Types 3. #english Usages of Imperative sentences 4. Difference #imperativesentence #imperativepassivevoice #activevoicepassivevoice #active #passiveincome #passiveincomeideas #passiveandactive #prepositionoftime #prepositionofplace #Typesofpreposition #preposition #prepositionalphrases #prepositionsoftime #prepositionwords #prepositions_in_english_grammar #shakespeare #literature #asyoulikeit #english #error #errorspottingrulesandtrickspdf #errorspottingquiz #dearsir #learn #ielts #prof #grammar #presentsimple #presentsimpletense #presentation #jobs2021 #jobsearch #grammar_rules #grammargame #grammarseries #grammarforupboard #grammarrule #parts_of_speech #partsofspeech #gate samshers #dearsir ‎@DearSir  ‎@dsl_english  ‎@SpokenEnglishGuru  ‎@engvidGill  ‎@linguamarina  ‎@EnglishWithRaniMam  ‎@EnglishbyKapilDevSharma  ‎@engvidGill  ‎@EnglishSpeeches  ‎@LearnEnglishAmerican  ‎@RaghvendraPal  ‎@letstalk  ‎@engvidRebecca  ‎@LearnEnglishAmerican  ‎@StudyLovers  ‎@studywithalihassan724  ‎@rjruchi  ‎@StudyRiver  ‎@rjruchi  ‎@SindhiThoughts  ‎@supersindhiofficial  ‎@grammarindetail  ‎@bebanker  ‎@EnglishProfessionally  ‎@PuzzleEnglishGrammar  ‎@user-JasonGrammar  ‎@ramu455