Celebrating the Birth of Jesus—Christmas Eve 12/24/2021

Celebrating the Birth of Jesus—Christmas Eve 12/24/2021

Asha Nayaswami leads the congregation in a sacred celebration of the birth of Jesus on this Christmas Eve at the Ananda Temple in Palo Alto, Ca. Asha's talk begins at 00:20:51:00. Ananda offers Sunday morning worship, beautiful sacred music, and talks based on the underlying unity between the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible. Ananda’s teachings are based on those of Paramhansa Yogananda as expressed by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda, the founder of Ananda. Asha's work is made possible by inspired listeners, so if you feel to support this mission and gain access to unique members-only content, subscribe through Patreon:   / ashanayaswami   Website ✦ https://www.ashajoy.org/ Podcast ✦ https://ashajoy.buzzsprout.com Facebook ✦   / ashanayaswami   Instagram ✦   / innerlifewith_asha