Mystery of Amazon River |Why Amazon River Has No Bridge? अमेज़ॉन नदी पर एक भी पुल क्यों नहीं बना सके

Mystery of Amazon River |Why Amazon River Has No Bridge? अमेज़ॉन नदी पर एक भी पुल क्यों नहीं बना सके

Amazon River Facts आज के इस वीडियो में बात करेंगे की अमेज़न नदी में ऐसा कौन सा रहस्य छुपा हुआ है की इस नदी पर पुल बनाना इतना मुश्किल है, जानने के लिए हमारे साथ वीडियो के अंत तक जुड़े रहिए! Friends, there will be hardly any of you who have not heard about the Amazon River ... ...its origin is considered to be the rio mantaro river of Peru............ It will happen…….But do you know that……that there is not a single bridge on this second largest river of the world…….yes… heard it absolutely right……..but After all, why????……..In this era of modern technology, while on one hand big tunnels and bridges are made under water…… then on the other and why even a single bridge over this Amazon river till date Couldn't be built……… Is there really something like this in the Amazon river… If you are also troubled by thinking the same…….then don’t be upset……because today we are going to unveil this secret too. ………… But before knowing this secret, you have to know the geographical location of the Amazon river and some important things related to it……….As we have told you ……that according to the volume of the Amazon river. It is the world's largest river and the second longest river in the world in terms of length.