Top 30 Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त-सितम्बर में उगने वाले पौधे| Green Island

Top 30 Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त-सितम्बर में उगने वाले पौधे| Green Island

Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त-सितम्बर में उगने वाले पौधे| Green Island 1.JASMINE(CHAMELI) Make the cuttings about 6 inches & cut each one directly below a leaf. Strip the leaves from the bottom part of the cutting and dip it in rooting hormone powder. Place each cutting into a hole in damp sand in a pot or ground, and cover it with a plastic bag to hold moisture. After few weeks shoots will come out from your Jasmine. 2.CROTON Cut a stem of 5-6 inch length from a healthy & mature Croton plant using a pair of sterilized, sharp pruning shears. The cutting should have at least 3 sets of leaves at the top. The cut should be just below a leaf joint. 3.ROSE(GULAB) Cut The Rose stem from healthy & strong plants in morning hours, when they're well hydrated. Cut each stem into 6 to 8 inch length , each cutting has 4 “nodes“. Remain cuttings moist all the time. Eliminate all the leaves except one set at the top of each cutting. 4.PEDILANTHUS TITHYMALOIDES Just cut a 4-6 inch section of the stem from the plant. Let the cut end callus for a few days & then insert it into a pot filled with succulent potting mix. After few weeks or days new buds will grow from cutting. Now, enjoy your plant. 5.Plumeria (Champa) You may also plant Plumeria directly in the ground if you live in a warm climate. Dip the cut end of plant cuttings in a rooting hormone & sink them about halfway down into the potting mixture. Water the cuttings immediately when you plant them, then let them dry out for several weeks. 6.DWARF DEVILS BACKBONE Cut 4 to 6 inches of healthy stems using a clean sharp knife. Make the cutting just below a node, or where the leaf join the stem. Remove one-half to two-thirds of the leaves, starting from the bottom. Cut large leaves in half. Set the stems aside in warm area out of direct sunlight for a day and allow them to callus. 7.Pilea microphylla (Rockweed) Cut stem-tip of Rockweed plant. Now insert cutting in rich organic soil which has well-drainage properties. It loves bright but indirect sunlight. Keep them in partial shade. Water it moderately during the growing season. Pilea microphylla plant needs regular pruning as they are quite invasive in nature. Pruning includes pinching off the tips of new branches and removing the unwanted branches. 8.RUBBER PLANT You have to cut at least 3 to 5 inches of stem with 2 to 3 nodes on it. The node , where the leaves attach to the stem. Wear gloves to cut this plant, as the sap may affect your skin. 9.EUPHORBIA MILII (CHRIST PLANT) Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii) can be propagated from cuttings. Water your plants one or two days before taking cuttings. This will ensure that the cuttings have enough water in their stems. Cut off the top 3 to 4 inches of the stem with the help of sterilize tool. Choosing longer stems will aid shape your plant. 10.SCHEFFLERA Cut a stem the plant & wrap the cut end in a damp paper towel. Cut each leaf in half horizontally to lessen the amount of moisture it loses during the rooting process. Fill a 15 cm. pot with fresh potting soil. Insert the cutting in soil. Water it moderately. Follow us on Facebook:   / greenislando.  . Contact us: [email protected] #GreenIsland #greenisland Top 25 Monsoon Plants For Home | Flower To Grow In August | अगस्त में उगने वाले पौधे| Green Island:   • Top 25 Monsoon Plants For Home | Flow...   Top 10 Bedroom Plants|Oxygen ReleasingPlants:    • Top 10 Bedroom Plants|Oxygen Releasin...   10 Amazing Benefits Of Tulsi | Benefits Of Tulsi:    • 10 Amazing Benefits Of Tulsi|Benefits...   TOP 10 IMMUNITY BOOSTER SPICES EASILY AVAILABLE IN YOUR KITCHEN:   • TOP 10 IMMUNITY BOOSTER SPICES EASILY...   Top 10 Benefits Of Pattharchatta:    • Top 10 Benefits Of Pattharchatta(Bryo...   Top 10 Indoor Plants Low Maintenance Required:    • Top 10 Indoor Plants |Low Maintenance...   Top 10 Lucky Plants For Your Home:   • Top 10 lucky plants For Your House | ...   5 COMMON MISTAKES FOR PLANTS:   • 5 COMMON MISTAKE FOR PLANTS|HOW TO CA...   Grow plants from cutting, plants grow from cutting, cutting grows in rainy season, plants grow in monsoon, monsoon plants, august-September plants, Indoor Plants, easy to grow plants,