Grace Toronto Church - (March 13, 2022 Service)

Grace Toronto Church - (March 13, 2022 Service)

Welcome to the Grace Toronto Church Sunday service livestream on MARCH 13. Join us here or visit​. ONLINE BULLETIN: Sermon Title - The Fight For Faith Sermon Series - 2 Corinthians: Power Through Weakness Scripture Passage - 2 Corinthians 10: 1-6 Timestamp - 33:37 Links & Announcements Below🔻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDAY SERVICE UPDATE We will be returning to two services (9:30AM and 11:15AM) starting on Sunday APRIL 3. YOUNG ADULTS LUNCH Are you between the ages of 18 and 25? Then stick around after service for food and fellowship on MARCH 20! Please bring $5 cash to help offset the cost of food. GTKIDS MOVIE NIGHT Looking for a fun family afternoon? Have kids in JK-Gr.5? Join us for a fun afternoon of movie watching and popcorn eating on APRIL 2 at 2pm. All movie choices are G rated, and the majority vote will decide the movie. You can sign up and vote here. Hope to see you there! FRIDAY NIGHT @ GRACE Have you heard of Friday Night @ the ROM? Well this is the exact same - but without the dinosaurs. We’re having a house party on Friday April 1 from 7PM - 10PM here at Grace Toronto Church! Whether you like board games, karaoke, line-dancing, or tasty snacks, we’ll have something for you! Register through our events page. AWAKENING ANCIENT FAITH II Saturday April 9, 8:00pm A time of worship featuring Celtic hymns and prayers led by an Irish band (guitar, fiddle, uilleann pipes, and bodhran), introducing 5 new Celtic inspired choral anthems by Alan Wiseman. Come and enjoy a worship experience of soloists, choral music, instrumentalists, and congregational song. Register through our events page. GTKIDS RESOURCES Want to engage your kids? GTKids regularly compiles a range of resources for children, aged Nursery - Grade 5. We provide worship guides, family devotionals, story-time, and live opportunities to connect with our volunteers for lessons and games! Please do take advantage of these resources! SUPPORT If you are in any form of need or if you are able to help others, please visit or visit to submit your prayers.