Attract Money with a Garlic Clove | Prosperity Ritual

Attract Money with a Garlic Clove | Prosperity Ritual

Put a clove of garlic in your wallet or purse to ensure that you never run out of money all week. Today, I will show you an effective ritual to secure financial abundance using garlic. Garlic, among nature's many gifts, stands out for its unique properties and spiritual strength. That's why it is often used in money magic, also for protection, to dominate another person, and many other things. In this video I will show you how to harness its power to dispel bad luck and attract prosperity. When properly activated, garlic acts as a magnet, attracting money, happiness, customers, abundance and all things positive into our lives. It also acts as a powerful shield that repels negative energies. Start by selecting a garlic clove from the bulb that catches your attention. Then gently tap it on the table seven times, and repeat the following incantation with each tap: "You are my lucky garlic, awaken your energy and become stronger." This will unleash its esoteric power to help you open up new opportunities. Next, place it in a small bag and tie 3 knots. Cut off any excess, it should look like this. Finally, put it in your wallet or purse and leave it there for 7 days. You will find that luck will be on your side and positive things will multiply in your life.