Blueberry Yogurt Cake simple recipe | no sugar no cornstarch | 5 ingredients

Blueberry Yogurt Cake simple recipe | no sugar no cornstarch | 5 ingredients

#blueberrycake #yogurtcake #simplerecipe Healthy and simple recipe for a Blueberry Greek Yogurt Cake that's both delicious and easy to prepare. With no added sugar, oil, or cornstarch, this cake is a wholesome option for any occasion. INGREDIENTS: 2 cups plain yogurt 2/3 cup fresh blueberries 2/3 cup flour (rice flour) 3 eggs 2 tsp baking powder COOKING STEPS: Preheat an oven to 350F (180C) Crack 3 eggs into a bowl and whisk very well Add 2 cups (500 g) plain yogurt, 2/3 cup flour, 2 tsp baking powder. Whisk together to combine. We prefer rice flour in this recipe. 2 teaspoons of baking powder really makes a difference. Add 2/3 cup fresh blueberries. Optionally, keep 10–20 blueberries aside for the topping. Mix it with a spoon or spatula. Pour the batter in the prepared form, covered with parchment paper. Top with the set-aside blueberries. Bake 55 minutes at 350 degrees. Let it cool in the form for 5 minutes. To increase sweetness use maple syrup or honey as a topping