Elderberries - The Native Plant With Healing Power

Elderberries - The Native Plant With Healing Power

This week Kevin meets with Katie Norton, an aspiring third generation farmer with a passion for elderberries to learn how she is working to bring the CA native blue elderberry into the spotlight, the power of pollinators, and the joy of growing with family. Kevin shares his weekly garden tips and more inspiration to start your garden with success. Looking for more information about growing your own elderberries? Check out the UC ANR page about California Elderberries (https://ucanr.edu/sites/Elderberry/) and these resources from UC Davis: Elderberry Resources (https://sarep.ucdavis.edu/are/elderbe...) Green Acres Garden Podcast (https://www.buzzsprout.com/1610311) Green Acres Nursery & Supply (https://idiggreenacres.com/) Green Acres Garden Podcast Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/25747...) In the greater Sacramento area? Learn how to make your yard Summer Strong and discover water-saving rebates at BeWaterSmart.info (http://bewatersmart.info/) .