Responsorial Psalm of the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. IN IGBO LANGUAGE

Responsorial Psalm of the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. IN IGBO LANGUAGE

Responsorial Psalm Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 R.(cf. 2) Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. I lift up my eyes toward the mountains; whence shall help come to me? My help is from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. R. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. May he not suffer your foot to slip; may he slumber not who guards you: indeed he neither slumbers nor sleeps, the guardian of Israel. R. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The LORD is your guardian; the LORD is your shade; he is beside you at your right hand. The sun shall not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. R. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your life. The LORD will guard your coming and your going, both now and forever. R. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. (IGBOKWE LANGUAGE) ABUOMA NA AZIZA YA​ Ps. 120: 1-8 Az. 2 Aziza: Enyemaka anyi di n’aha Onyenweanyi, Onye mere eluigwe na ala. 1. Eleliri m anya n’ugwu: Olee ebe enyemaka m ga-esi abia? Enyemaka m ga-esi n’aka Onyenyeanyi, Onye mere eluigwe na ala. Aziza. 2. Ya ekwekwala ka ukwu gbachapu gi. Ura atukwala Onye ahu na-eche gi. Mba! Onye ahu na-eche Izrel mu anya; O naghi arahi ura. Aziza. 3. Onyenweanyi bu Onye nche gi, burukwa ebe nchedo gi. O no gi n’aka nri. Anwu agaghi emeru gi ahu n’ehihie. Onwa agaghi emeru gi ahu n’abali. Aziza. 4. Onyenweanyi ga-echekwaba gi ka ajo ihe o bula ghara irute gi. O ga-echekwaba ndu gi. Onyenweanyi ga-echekwaba opupu na mbata gi bido ugbu a ruo mgbe ebighi ebi. Aziza