Eggless Cupcakes Recipe In Microwave Convection Mode - Eggless Microwave Baking

Eggless Cupcakes Recipe In Microwave Convection Mode - Eggless Microwave Baking

Egg-free Vanilla Cupcakes Baked in Microwave's Convection Mode. Making these super-moist and soft no-egg cupcakes which are iced with Chocolate Whipped Cream is easy, but they can get overbaked from top and undercooked if your Microwave Oven has its rods on top, so In this episode I show how to prevent cakes from getting overbaked from top and undercooked from center which is also a reason for sinking of cakes. Baking in Microwave is easy, if you understand your oven well.. In this episode I show how to work around with your Microwave for baking if it has its rods on top. Recipe in Detail - Chocolate Stabilized Amul Cream(Ratios were changed and icing was kept in fridge for 4 hours) -    • Eggless Chocolate Cake in Microwave(L...   Baking is easy, but can be tricky so.. Play around with your oven and see how it behaves, Some of my foodie friends successfully bake in their MW's Convection Mode without doing anything.. After-all it all depends upon every oven, I received a few requests for it, some also said that cake is baked but undercooked from center and so on, so did this tutorial. If you are successfully baking, no need to do this :) Website: Fb: Blog: