Pope Francis reflects on Mark 5:1-20 - Gospel of January 30th

Pope Francis reflects on Mark 5:1-20 - Gospel of January 30th

Pope Francis comments on today's Gospel. The word "gospel" means " good news." The gospel brings salvation, it also brings the Kingdom and evokes hope in God's people. The gospel is also a motivation for sanctification. Reading the Gospel brings us closer to God and to contemplate and look to Christ to be reached by his mystery and welcomed by his mercy and love. Reading the Gospel leads us to reflection and prayer in order to be able to participate, as disciples of Christ, more actively in the unity and universality of the Church. Reading the Gospel leads us to know and defend the faith knowing that Christ is with us every day and to proclaim him to others. Follow us: WhatsApp: to receive videos on WhatsApp, send an email, indicating your name, surname and telephone number: [email protected] ; Telegram channel: https://t.me/medjugorjeforworlden ; YouTube channel:    / medjugorje4world   ; #popefrancis #popefranciscommentsgospel #catholicgospelreading #catholicgospel #gospelreadingfortoday #catholicgospelandreflection #faith