How to paint a stunning misty watercolor landscape.
How to paint a stunning misty watercolor landscape Learn how to draw a watercolor landscape painting with easy methods in this simple and straightforward tutorial. This video is perfect for beginners who want to learn the basics of watercolor painting, or for more experienced artists who want to learn some new techniques. In this video, you will learn how to: Prepare your materials Choose the right colors Create a basic landscape composition Apply wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry watercolor techniques Add details and finishing touches By the end of this video, you will have created a beautiful watercolor landscape painting that you can be proud of. Materials you will need: Paper : handmade 440gsm Acid free paper Size : 11x15 inch Colors : Artist Watercolor Brushes : 4 and 3/0 No. Mop brush, 12 , 7and 3 No. Round , Toothbrush ,Fan Brush. Watercolor paper ,Watercolor paints ,Paint brushes ,Water cup , Pencil, Eraser. How to Paint a Landscape in Watercolor This DETAIL Will CHANGE How You Watercolor Paint! This New Watercolor Technique is a Game Changer #watercolorlandscape #watercolortutorial #easywatercolor #beginnerwatercolor #wetonwet #drybrushing #glazing #negativepainting OTHER VIDEOS MENTIONED: 1) • How to Paint a Pasture & Cows in Wate... 2) • Step-by-Step Watercolor Painting Tuto... 3) • How to paint cloudy sky in landscape ... DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR UPDATES OF MY LATEST VIDEOS AND HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL... SUBSCRIBE : / @rajumore ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ❤Let's stay in touch:🙂 ----------------------------------------------------------- 📷 Instagram: / rajumore807 📘Fecebook: / raju.more.18 Music Credit : Background music provide by: YouTube audio library