10 MIN Foundation of Self-Acceptance | Yoga Flow | No Props

10 MIN Foundation of Self-Acceptance | Yoga Flow | No Props

Welcome to this 7-day self-love yoga challenge. Self-love is a multifaceted concept that involves caring for, appreciating, and valuing oneself. It encompasses various elements that contribute to overall well-being and a positive relationship with oneself. Over the course of this week, we will go through some of the key elements of this through our practice which includes self-acceptance, compassion, self-care, setting boundaries, mindfulness, positive self-talk, gratitude, self-reflection, embracing imperfection, self-expression, healthy lifestyle choices, and cultivating joy. Let’s begin. All levels are welcome! If you enjoyed this class, give it a thumbs up and subscribe! Comment below and let me know how this went for you :) ___________ What's in this Foundation of Self-Acceptance Yoga Class: 0:00 - Intro to the 7-Day Challenge 0:55 - Mountain Pose 1:45 - Chair Pose 2:12 - Warrior III 2:35 - Mountain Pose 3:00 - Chair Pose 3:14 - Warrior III 3:25 - Mountain Pose 3:36 - Yogi Squat 4:00 - Easy Seat + Eagle Arms 5:22 - Guided Body Scan Relaxation with Affirmations for Self-Acceptance ___________ L E T S C O N N E C T ➞ Instagram: @gillianelizab3th   / gillianelizab3th   ➞ My Vegan Cookbook: https://amzn.to/3usNIDs ➞ A Year of Unbecoming: https://a.co/d/iV0l2va ➞ My Intuitive Eating Workbook: https://amzn.to/3xRMLGF ➞ Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy Sessions: https://go.oncehub.com/Gillian1 ➞ Free guided meditations: https://insighttimer.com/gillianeliza... W E L L N E S S T O O L S ➞ Yoga Mat I Use for Practice: https://amzn.to/3PNirrU ➞ My Favourite Personal Growth Books + Tools: https://amzn.to/3LBiNPL My Spotify + Yoga Playlists: https://open.spotify.com/user/5zcmu2n... How I have data everywhere I go without a phone plan: Airalo App Get a $3 USD credit when you use my referral code: GILLIA7018 ___________________ Business Contact: [email protected] ___________________ D I S C L A I M E R Always listen to your body, if something doesn’t feel right (pain or discomfort) please modify or skip the posture. Check with your general physician before partaking in any new form of physical activity. By participating in this video, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself. Gillian Elizabeth of Wellness Wanderlust assumes no responsibility from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of any content you participate in.