DIY Grow Bags For Growing Huge White Radishes

DIY Grow Bags For Growing Huge White Radishes

DIY Grow Bags For Growing Huge White Radishes. My first video of growing white radishes. Turn of captions and subtitles for details. -------------------- In this video we will grow big white radishes in home made grow bags directly from seeds. These grow bags are made of old used plastic bags that usually used to carry sugar or rice etc. There is no need of seedlings, we will grow white radish from seeds. The soil that we used to grow radishes is simple, no need to add fancy stuffs, only garden soil and fully decomposed manure. 50% of each for best soil mix. You will watch the complete details of growing white radish in DIY grow bags. In 8 grow bags we are going to sow 4 seeds in each bag. Put more than one seed in each hole you make with your finger. You can always thin the seedlings after they germinate. You can see the the seedlings got attacked by pests like grasshopper and mosquitos. There is no need to use any kind of pesticides, Just put some wood ash on leaves and remove any pest from leaves if you find one. White radish unlike small red radishes needs a lot of nutrients and water for better growth. If your area is hot, you might need to water them almost every days like me. Just check your soil with your finger and give them water if soil is dry. After just 39 days, radishes start to develop, you can harvest them now, but We will wait until the size is bigger. After 60 days, the day the of harvest here. Remove lower leaves and check the size of radishes. Harvest the bigger one and leave the smaller one. Our channel is filled with these kind of videos, if you like these, please subscribe and share it with friends and family. ---------------------------------------- Watch More Videos: Recycling Of Plastic Bottles For Growing Lot Of Spinach Best Method    • Recycling Of Plastic Bottles For Grow...   -------------------- Easy DIY Method Of Growing Coriander (My First Video)    • Easy DIY Method Of Growing Coriander ...   ----------------------------------- Please subscribe our YouTube channel for more videos.