9 a.m. daily Mass of Monday of the Third Week of Advent

9 a.m. daily Mass of Monday of the Third Week of Advent

#LIVE | Welcome to St. Bernard Catholic faith community in Glassell Park, California, and our celebration of Monday of the Third Week of Advent. Walk and pray with us on the road to Bethlehem! + "By what authority are you doing these things?" the chief priests demanded. Instead of welcoming the authority that could perfect their life, they try to stamp it out. They want to be their own authority. Only faith in Jesus as a divine person, the Son of God, satisfactorily answers the question about his actions. When we listen to Jesus, when we trust him, we, "hear what God says, and know what the Most High knows, and see what the Almighty sees." + On this #Advent, we gather as the Body of Christ with #LACatholics and our viewers around the world — especially our online communities in the #Philippines, and #Italy. Where are you watching from? Let us know in the comments! Maligayang pagdating! and Benvenuto! For the readings and Divine Mercy guide, visit www.stbernard-parish.com/readings, and www.stbernard-parish.com/divinemercy, respectively. + To make a tax-deductible donation to St. Bernard Catholic Church, visit us online, at www.stbernard-parish.com/giving to get started. And thanks!