9 a.m. daily Mass of Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

9 a.m. daily Mass of Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

#LIVE | Welcome to St. Bernard Catholic faith community in Glassell Park, California, and our celebration of Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent. Let us give God this hour of praise and worship, and open our hearts to the love he most assuredly will give to us. "Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled." — Luke 1:45. Bearing the promised Messiah, Mary went in haste to share the joy of God's gift with her cousin Elizabeth. In them met the end of Israel's long, patient vigil for the fulfillment of God's promise and the dawn of the new and eternal day of salvation. We gather as the Body of Christ with Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor, for #LACatholics and our viewers around the world — including our online communities in #Mexico, the #Philippines, and #Italy. ¡Bienvenido! Welcome! Maligayang pagdating! For the readings and our Divine Mercy guides, visit www.stbernard-parish.com/readings, and www.stbernard-parish.com/divinemercy, respectively. To make a tax-deductible donation to St. Bernard Catholic Church, visit www.stbernard-parish.com/giving to get started. And thanks!