मोना लिसा की 7 रहस्यमयी बातें | 7 Mysteries About Mona Lisa | FactsMotivate
मोना लिसा की 7 रहस्यमयी बातें | 7 Mysteries About Mona Lisa | FactsMotivate The Mona Lisa painting is the most recognizable piece of art in the world. This painting is painted as oil on poplar wood panel. This is probably the most famous painting of the world. It now hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris(France). The Mysterious Smile of Mona Lisa made this painting a source of fascination. It is the most valuable painting estimated to be worth a $700 million in 2019. In this video we will explore some mysteries and facts about Mona Lisa in Hindi. 'Mona Lisa' is considered to be the world's most mysterious, expensive and popular painting. The most written, read and research has been done about this painting so far. Friends must watch this video till the last. This painting was made by the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci about 500 years ago, he started making this painting in 1503 and after 14 years this painting was ready. Today we will tell 7 such reasons for this painting, due to which it is considered to be the most mysterious and popular. मोनालिसा पेंटिंग का सबसे बड़ा रहस्य | Hidden Secrets About MONALISA Painting, मोना लिसा की तस्वीर के पीछे का गहरा राज़ | Mona Lisa Painting Hidden Secrets in Hindi दुनिया की 3 मशहूर तस्वीरों में छुपे है सबसे गहरे राज़ (Hidden Secret inside Famous Paintings Art) #FactsMotivate Keywords For This Video :- monalisa painting monalisa painting secret hindi monalisa painting secret monalisa painting rahasya monalisa painting in museum monalisa painting explanation monalisa painting secret tamil monalisa painting drawing monalisa painting malayalam monalisa painting video monalisa painting facts monalisa painting famous monalisa painting facts in hindi monalisa famous painting monalisa picture facts monalisa painting kyu famous hai why monalisa painting is famous in telugu why monalisa painting is famous in tamil why monalisa painting is famous malayalam monalisa ki painting kyu famous hai Mona Lisa's complete history, Mysteries about Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa's Facts, Why does Mona Lisa's Smile change, Hindi, Secrets behind Mona Lisa, Why Mona Lisa is stolen from Louvre, leonardo da vinci, da vinci, facts, मोनलिसा की तस्वीर का रहस्य, Da Vinci Painting, मोनलिसा की तस्वीर, mona lisa smile, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa Painting Mystery, Mystery of Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa hidden secret revealed Watch Our Other Videos : 15 Facts You Didn't Know About Nawazuddin Siddiqui | Hindi • 15 Facts You Didn't Know About Nawazu... भारत के सात अजूबे देखो | Seven Wonders Of India | FactsMotivate • भारत के सात अजूबे देखो | Seven Wonder... मुम्बई नही गए हो तो ये video जरूर देखें | Interesting Facts About Mumbai [HINDI] • मुम्बई नही गए हो तो ये video जरूर देख... जगन्नाथ मंदिर के वो रहस्य, जो तमाम कोशिशों के बाद भी अनसुलझे हैं? Jagannath Temple Puri • जगन्नाथ मंदिर के वो रहस्य, जो तमाम को... दुनिया के 10 सबसे जहरीले सांप Top 10 Most Venomous Snakes in the World | FactsMotivate • दुनिया के 10 सबसे जहरीले सांप Top 10 ... ताजमहल की ये बातें आपको नहीं पता होंगी | Unknown Facts about Taj Mahal in Hindi | FactsMotivate • ताजमहल की ये बातें आपको नहीं पता होंग...