Hydroponic Tank Refresh
Once a month is a ideal time to replace water in the hydroponic system because it ensures the best results for plant health. This is the first time l did a refresh of the Gardyn System. Directions are provided visually from the Gardyn internet app. I choose to do a light fertilizer ratio in the water to prevent plant burn. The plants are just past the primary leaves and roots are small. I provided 3 gallons of food. 5 gallons of water was replaced. 5 Stage Premium Plus 150 GPD Water Saver RO/DI System - Bulk Reef Supply https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/5-stag... The water tank is at Tractor Supply all other plumbing items were found at Lowe's Home Improvement Gardyn Help Center ( Instructions) Link https://mygardyn.zendesk.com/hc/en-us Best Hydroponic Water For Hydroponics Link • Best Water For Hydroponics Amazon Product Suggestions Gardyn 2.0 Bundle https://amzn.to/3DJF8H9 Gardyn Pod Caps 10 pk https://amzn.to/3Y9JRK7 Hydroboost https://amzn.to/3leC2o7 Social Linktree https://linktr.ee/alicesgardentoplate...